dimanche 18 septembre 2016


Old Yungas Road

We’d rather hitchhike the Highway to Hell than take our chances on Old Yungas Rd (aka: “The Death Road”), considered the most dangerous in the world. The 40-mile stretch linking La Paz to Coroico hugs cliffs that overlook a sprawling canyon and features so many sharp turns that you’d think drivers would putter along at 10mph rather than take a chance. They don’t. More than 200 people a year fall to their death in trucks, cars, and public buses.
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Karnali Highway

Just like Old Yungas Road, the 155-mile Karnali Hwy in the Himalayas of West Nepal is a death wish (approximately 50 people die there a year). The dirt road’s surface is so bad that even cyclists who flock there for the stunning views are often like, “maybe not today.” And as you can imagine, vehicles that attempt to drive the road tend to slide on patches of dirt, choke on steep climbs, and generally get f*cked up from one too many potholes.

Atlantic Road

Considered one of the most scenic road trips in Europe, the Atlantic Rd has its dark moments. The five-mile highway links islands between Kristansund and Molde, boasts eight bridges, and has an infamous stretch along the ocean that gets battered by massive waves and fierce winds during storms. Conditions get crazy enough that you'll wish you stayed in Oslo.

Vitim River Bridge

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You'd think Vitim River Bridge would be called “VICTIM River Bridge,” considering its reputation as one of the scariest roads in the world. But lucky enough, there have been NO reported fatalities on the road. Which seems strange until you realize just how few people dare to drive here. The answer is... not many. The super-old structure is barely wide enough for a standard car and there are no railings -- just iced over decaying wood (it is Siberia, after all) that could collapse at any moment.

Guoliang Tunnel Road

The literal English translation for the mile-long Guoliang Tunnel Rd is “Road that tolerates no mistakes.” Built by 13 local villagers in the Taihang Mountains (many of whom died during construction), the chiseled mountain tunnel measures only 15ft high by 12ft wide but rocks insane views of the Chinese landscape through 30 “windows” that were cut out of the cliff. Not only is it one of the steepest roads in the world, but it's become one of the area's top tourist attractions to be visited... on foot.

James Dalton Highway

If we've learned anything from Ice Road Truckers on the History Channel, it's that the roads in Alaska suck. And the most infamous sucky road is the James Dalton Hwy, a 414-mile passage between the Arctic Sea oil fields and civilization. Winter is unfortunately peak season for drivers, and high winds and icy conditions turn the road into a Slip'N Slide for truckers

Nanga Parbat Pass

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The road conditions on the 10-mile Nanga Parbat Pass (aka Fairy Meadows Rd) is a recipe for death: high altitude (10,000ft above sea level, so bring your chlorophyll tablets) combined with unstable, graveled roads combined with narrow passages all mean that you’re in for a wild ride. Oh yeah, there are no guardrails. And a steep, six-mile ascent. And did we mention it’s all gravel?

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